
A brave Marine protected a friend by jumping on a grenade and was awarded the Medal of Honor.

William Kyle Carpenter may not be a household name, but he’s undoubtedly an acknowledged American hero. At 21, he enlisted in the US Marines and achieved the rank of Lance Corporal. In 2010, he was deployed to Afghanistan.

During a firefight, a grenade landed near Kyle and another Marine. Without hesitation, Kyle sprang into action.

In a split-second decision, Kyle displayed remarkable courage, altering the course of his life. To shield his friend, he selflessly threw himself onto the grenade, making the ultimate sacrifice to save his fellow Marine.

Following the explosion, he sustained severe injuries, with his face, skull, and body bearing the brunt of the shrapnel. Additionally, he endured a collapsed lung and the loss of part of his jaw. Upon his return to Camp Bastion, he was initially labeled as P.E.A. (patient expired on arrival).